

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 1 av 628

Perfect match? : Kombinationen av Knowledge Management & Human Resource Management i konsultbolag

Background: We have identified the combination of Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management as interesting because of this constellation has been mentioned scarcely in previous studies. There also seem to be some interesting correlations with personnel turnover.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe and understand the theoretically best combination of Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, by creating a model. The model is also going to be tested empirically through consulting firms, to see if they meet the ideal combination. With this model we also want to describe in what way the different combinations of strategies will affect the personnel turnover.Definitions: A huge part of this study concerns the theoretical area Human Resource Management, which we have entitled HRM. Similarly, Knowledge Management has been entitled KM.Completion: The study is designed both as a literature review and as a comparative case study in which empirical data has been collected through qualitative interviews with four Swedish management consulting firms.Results: The best combinations of KM and HRM are according to this study that strategies should consist of a thoroughgoing personalization or codification.

Human Resource Management

SammanfattningSyftet med vår uppsats är att jämföra den traditionella personalavdelningens roll med den moderna Human Resource Management-funktionen. Vi söker en definition på begreppet HRM och hur utvecklingen gått från den traditionella funktionen Human Relations till Human Resource Management. Vi vill se på de likheter och olikheter som kan finnas mellan begreppen och hur de påverkat personalfrågor. Vi utgår från ett anglosaxiskt synsätt men tittar utifrån ett asiatiskt perspektiv, för att se hur kulturella infallsvinklar kan påverka HRM. För att få svar på våra frågor har vi använt oss av både empiriskt och vetenskapligt material för att få så korrekta svar som möjligt.

Strategic Human Resource Management-ett medel att förbättra kundnöjdheten i serviceföretag

Motivationsskapande åtgärder är avgörande för de anställdas nöjdhet inom organisationen. Vad som motiverar de anställda varierar från individ till individ. Vårt resultat visar att det existerar ett samband mellan de anställdas nöjdhet och hur väl organisationens strategi, struktur, utvärderingar och belöningar stämmer överens med olika karriärinriktningar och drivkrafter. Studien visar även att de anställdas nöjdhet påverkar kundernas nöjdhet med servicen..

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for human capital is devised.

Personalekonomi i teori och praktik:

Given a considerable increase in knowledge-based companies, the interest for measuring and valuing intangible assets, particularly human capital, has increased accordingly. Human capital has climbed the management research agenda as human assets make substantial contribution to the value creation in knowledge-based companies. Neither internal nor external financial statements reflect the value of an organization?s human assets. Against this backdrop, we find it interesting to explore how counting and controlling for human capital is devised.

Framtidens organisationsteori ? igår, idag och imorgon

Det övergripande målet med den här uppsatsen har varit att skapa en framtidsprognos rörandeämnet organisationsteori. Jag har använt den hypotetisk-deduktiva metoden för att kunnaskapa trovärdiga prognoser. Den teori jag väljer att använda som utgångspunkt är enorganisationsstruktur skapad av Henry Mintzberg, som jag sedan kopplar samman medföljande fyra olika organisationsteorier: Human Resource Management, StrategisktManagement, Produktionsmanagement och Knowledge Management.Själva strukturen är uppbyggd så att jag i den teoretiska referensramen beskriver dåtidensteorier (Den byråkratiska skolan, Scientific management, Den administrativa skolan ochHuman relations management) med fokus på de klassiska organisationsteorierna. Sedan är detmin uppfattning om hur organisationsteorier utnyttjas i nutiden som finns i kapitlet ommoderna organisationsteorier. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen baserad på dåtid och nutidskapar jag sedan hypoteser gällande framtiden..

Den dolda kompetensen : en longitudinell undersökning mellan åren 2007 - 2009  av fem gotländska småföretag

In this thesis we will discuss the importance of human resource development in smaller companies and if it will change from when the Swedish economy was in an economic boom and later on came to be in a recession. We choose to use a more qualitative approach for this research in order to conduct a more in-depth study of five smaller sized companies located on Gotland, Sweden. In order to limit our research we had as an ambition to answer these following questions:? What obstacles are there when it comes to human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? What can simplify or enable human resource development and knowledge transference within smaller sized companies?? Does the teaching process change to a more tacit human resource development between co-workers when there is less room for conventional human resource development?The result of the research came to show that the biggest barrier, when it comes to competence development within smaller companies, is time. However, our research also showed that a majority of the companies has changed from a more external educational plan to a more internal educational plan which focuses on keeping the human resource development within the company.

En komparativ studie av vinstdelningssystem bland advokatbyråer

Law firms are defined as knowledge-intensive companies. Due to the dependency regarding the resource of knowledge among the firms employees and to the fact that they often are categorised as a type of professional service firm. The purpose of this study is to investigate the different types of profitsharingsystems as a form of reward with focus on the theoretical differences and effects of the True Partnershipmodel and the Stockholmmodel. In addition to these models we will look into the Human Resource processes of; recruiting, integration, retaining and development of employees. The main purpose of the study is to examine the theoretical level on how the profitsharingsystems effect different Human Resource processes and through the knowledge of these connections using this as an analogy when to analyse other law-firms and knowledge?intensive company?s.

Change in Working Time: The Effect on Human Resource Management

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Utvärdering av personalutbildning : En studie om organisationers utvärdering av utbildningsprogram

This study examines how and why organizations evaluate training and development within the organizations. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, with office and organization development managers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how three large Swedish organizations evaluates training and development programs for staff members. Another purpose is to describe why the organizations evaluate training and development programs and to research if there is a further need to develop the organization evaluation methods. Therefore the research questions are Why and how do organizations evaluate training programs? What further need is there to develop organizations evaluation methods?The conclusion of this study shows that evaluation of the training and development programs are not a high priority among the selected organizations.

Centraliserad personalavdelning- bästa verktyget för chefsstöd? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetssituationen relaterat till chefsstödet från personalavdelningen vid Uppsala kommun.

Changes in the workplace have led to new ways of organizing and structuring organizations. Organizations? desire to increase competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility has resulted in new conditions in the field of human resources. The new conditions have also created new roles and changing responsibilities for those working within human resources.The purpose of this study was to investigate how the implementation of Ulrich's model for HR transformation can impact on the human resource departments managerial support to first-line managers in the municipality of Uppsala. Today the municipality of Uppsala organizes its human resources based on the Ulrich's model, which divides the work into the units service center, the expert unit and business partners.

Human Resource Management : En korrelationsstudie om upplevt organisationsstöd och psykologiska kontrakt.

The relationship between employer and employee is, from a judicial point of view, governed primarily by economic and employment contracts. However, a significant part of the dynamic is also dictated by tacit expectations and promises (so called psychological contracts). The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and psychological contract violation. Primary hypothesis assumed that there was a correlation between higher perceived organizational support and a reduction of feelings of violation from psychological contract breach. It was also assumed that employment time, sex and past breach experiences correlated with feelings of violation.

Medarbetarskap och Human Resource Management i en Telekomkedja

Två begrepp som ofta diskuteras inom organisationsteori är Medarbetarskap och Human resource management. Personalen ses ofta som ett företags främsta resurs. Denna uppsats bygger på en kvantitativ undersökning bland personalen inom en Telekomkedja. Vårt syfte är att bringa klarhet i frågan om i vilken utsträckning det ?myndiga medarbetarskapet? existerar, hur olika strategiska åtgärder påverkar försäljningen, vad som påverkar medarbetarnas motivation samt hur deras lojalitet gentemot arbetsgivaren ser ut.Undersökningen visar att personalen i Telekomkedjan trivs bra på sin arbetsplats.

Medarbetarskap och Human Resource Management i en Telekomkedja

Två begrepp som ofta diskuteras inom organisationsteori är Medarbetarskap och Human resource management. Personalen ses ofta som ett företags främsta resurs. Denna uppsats bygger på en kvantitativ undersökning bland personalen inom en Telekomkedja. Vårt syfte är att bringa klarhet i frågan om i vilken utsträckning det ?myndiga medarbetarskapet? existerar, hur olika strategiska åtgärder påverkar försäljningen, vad som påverkar medarbetarnas motivation samt hur deras lojalitet gentemot arbetsgivaren ser ut.Undersökningen visar att personalen i Telekomkedjan trivs bra på sin arbetsplats.

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